Monday, January 25, 2010

Relaxing Without the Beach

Monday was about as low-key as you can get. We slept in, went down to breakfast and then went back up to the room. You could tell it was going to be really, really hot today.

We’d had about enough sun for a few days, having neglected to remember that the malaria pills we’re taking make us more sensitive to sunburn. Larry, especially, is glowing a bit. As a result, we opted away from the beach and stayed in the cool to read a bit and just kind of kick back.

At about 11:00, we decided that we’d go see Avatar, the movie everyone is talking about.

We learned that Thai people like their movies, and the previews before them, MUCH, MUCH LOUDER THAN WE’RE USED TO.

Previews play the entire time between movies, not just the 15 or 20 minutes we expect in the US.

The movie was the English version, but it has Thai subtitles. The tickets (140 Baht each, about $4.25) are also for an assigned seat rather than just general admission. We had to pick our seats out when the tickets were purchased.

As it turned out, it was somewhat irrelevant since there were a total of five people in a theater that easily seats 400. Apparently noon on a Monday isn’t a prime movie time.

Before the movie starts, and after all the previews and turn off your cell phone commercials and things like that, a message asks you to stand up and honor the King while they play a video showing clips from his life. Don’t know if the song they play is the national anthem or what, but we’d both seen the video and heard the song before.

The movie was interesting. Haven’t quite decided what we think of it yet, as the underlying themes of corporate greed and treatment of the indigenous population for the benefit of a conquering corporation sometimes hit a bit close to home in the US, but it was definitely a well done movie.


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