Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Other Hindu Temple

This tour went through a different Hindu Temple, one that isn’t closed for renovations. They’re not picky about short pants or sleeveless shirts, but you still have to take your shoes off.

There was a 2 piece ensemble playing when we got there, but they didn’t seem to know any top 40 hits. The Temple closes at 12:15, and we were right under the wire to get in before the doors closed; thus, we got the audio with the musical background. Savita gave it her best shot, though, and we hit the high points.

Hindu Temples seem to be very colorful. While we won’t go into “Hindu for Dummies” here, the philosophy of this religion is really pretty simple once you boil it down.

There’s only one God. That God is a concept, rather than an entity. It’s the “oneness” of the universe and everything in it.

Their God, however, has many different forms to get the job done. Primarily, there are three – One is the creator, one the protector and one the destroyer. They have different facets, which have been represented through a lot of different statues to tell the stories. Hence, we see a lot of different statues in the temples.

If a person did a little study, I think it would all make sense. Coming from a vacuum, though, it was pretty hard to take in.

While we were in the Temple, the clergy came out and distributed some food to the people there, plus it seems like a wedding happened. The guide asked a young lady if she just got married and she said that she did. We never really saw what could be identified as a ceremony as we’d think of it, though.

By this time, we’d worn out our welcome and the clergy were ready for their break, so they opened the doors and made it clear we should get our shoes and leave.

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